Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Answer to 30 Questions #1

 Is life imprisonment painful enough to replace the death penalty with?

Whether life imprisonment is "painful enough" to replace the death penalty is a complex issue with no easy answer. It depends on your perspective on punishment and justice.

Life imprisonment is undoubtedly a severe punishment with significant psychological consequences (Haney, 2003; Toch,2005).

Loss of Freedom: Daily routines, movement, and social interaction are severely restricted. (Haney, 2003)

Severed Relationships: Maintaining strong connections with loved ones is difficult. (Liebling & Maruna, 2005)

Loss of Identity: Prisoners struggle with a sense of lost purpose outside of their crime. (Giordano, Cernkovich, & Rudolph, 2002)

Psychological Toll: Isolation, lack of control, and violence can lead to depression, anxiety, and PTSD. (Irwin, 2018)

Indeterminacy: Life sentences with little chance of parole leave many with no hope for release. (Mauer, 2019)

APA: Clear, T. R. (2017). Imprisonment and crime control. Routledge.

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