How does the use of the death penalty vary around the world?
In Japan, death by hanging has been adopted as a way of the death penalty. But there are other ways in the world. For example, utilizing lethal gas, electricity, and injection can be seen overseas.
of Execution.” Death Penalty Information Center, 2023,
Amnesty International. “Death Penalty.” Amnesty International, 2024,
Death Penalty Information Center, one of the sources I cited from, is a non-profitable-organization. It has been asked for assistance to study issues about executions by the United States house Committee on the Judiciary. I think the fact makes the organization credible.
It would be better to provide more details and, perhaps, show how some methods have been criticized for their cruelty. In the US, for example, "cruel and unusual punishment" for crimes is prohibited under the Eighth Amendment of our Constitution. All of the methods used in carrying out the death penalty in the States have been criticized by various NGOs and other entities as being cruel and, in some cases "unusual" as well. The currently most favored method for carrying out the death penalty in the States is lethal injection, usually with a "cocktail" of drugs which paralyze and then kills the victim. Some of the people who received this punishment either didn't die right away and in some cases they had convulsions and appeared to be suffering. When the electric chair was used, the victims' bodies occasionally caught on fire and they were both shocked and burned to death.